2023 Annual Report to the Community

Dear Face to Face Friend,
I’m excited to share our annual report for fiscal year 2023 with you, as we celebrate Face to Face’s commitment to meeting the needs of youth in our community.
As young people have grown, we have grown with them. This has resulted in more young people experiencing health, joy, prosperity, connection, and success:
The growth Face to Face is experiencing is evident in some of the numbers from the past year, and it’s thanks to incredible community support from people like you:
- 3,239 youth accessed services from Face to Face, a remarkable 59% increase.
- 1,481 youth had 16,750 visits to our day shelter, reflecting a substantial 76% increase.
- $6,375,170 raised from the community to support youth, an incredible 27% growth in revenue.
- 175 dedicated volunteers, interns, and residents gave 7,893 hours of service valued at $250,982—an impressive increase of 136% in community engagement.
In addition to these milestones, we’re thrilled to announce the City of St. Paul Housing and Redevelopment Authority (HRA) approved Face to Face’s request to develop a mixed-use facility with 20 units of deeply affordable housing for youth across the street from our clinic. Our sincere gratitude goes out to the City of St. Paul HRA, Board of Commissioners, and the City Council for making this possible.
Young people need the whole community working jointly to improve physical and mental health, financial literacy, food security, housing stability, employment, and much more, because in spite of our transformative services, the needs of our community are growing exponentially.
Let’s continue to grow with youth and meet their needs by growing together!
Hanna Getachew-Kreusser, M.A.
Executive Director
Face to Face